The Benefits of Companion Planting: Maximizing Garden Growth and Productivity

Maximize garden growth and productivity with companion planting. Companion planting might seem complicated but it can be beneficial when used Adequately. Companion planting is a technique of planting different crops together in an area to ensure their health and productivity. These plants optimize productivity within the limited space of your garden.  When planted in different combinations these plants can have various benefits.  However, not every combination is beneficial for your garden soil and some plant species may even compete with others.  Potatoes, for instance, shouldn’t be grown with eggplants and other nightshades because they will compete for nutrients as their nutrient requirements are similar.  Some species may even harm others by secreting these chemicals, for example, walnuts. 

If you’re someone who likes doing experiments on your house garden then companion planting something for you. 

Benefits of companion planting 

Companion planting helps you grow a variety of plants together. The benefits of companion planting are largely dependent on the combination of plants being used. However,  here are some  benefits of  Companion planting which can be summed up as follows; 

1. Diversity reduces the impact of disease and insects 

Monocultures, gardens with similar plants, can easily be damaged and destroyed by a single disease or insect. Once an infection affects a plant it can quickly move from one plant to the other in such a setting. For example, if you are growing tomatoes, pepper, eggplants, and other similar species it will be easier for a disease to infect all these plants at the same time due to their common susceptibility. Using different plant varieties can help reduce the damage caused by insects and diseases. 

2. Insect and pest control

Some plants have a strong fragrance that can repel insects. Some plants attract insects that prey on other insects and help keep your garden plants from damage. However, be careful not to use insecticides targeted for the beneficial insects that you want to attract to your garden. For example, plants like zinnias and marjoram help control pests and moths of cabbage plants. Using different combinations of plants you can help prevent the attack of many insects and pests. 

3. Improve your garden soil

Different plants have different nutrient requirements. Many species excrete chemicals into the soil. Different types of roots in your garden will improve your garden soil. Long tap-rooted radishes in your garden will help break  compact soil and help improve aeration.

4. Attracting Pollinators with a variety of plants:

Companion planting is helpful in attracting pollinators. Various pollinators including moths, butterflies, bats, honey bees, and birds will love the diversity of your garden. Pollinators love vibrant plants of different shapes. They will come for those beautiful flowers that attract them but the rest of the plants will also get pollinated along with them. Adding different plant species of native plants to your garden makes a home for various pollinators providing opportunities for their reproduction and survival. 

5. Save space with companion planting: 

Accommodating the little space might feel challenging to you but don’t worry because companion planting is the best way to make the best use of any small area. For instance, if you have a large tree in your home garden which has a lot of free space beneath it, plant herbs or wines there. These winds are small herbs that will occupy the spare area under the tree.  In case you have slow-growing crops. Instead of waiting for their harvest time, some  plants with shorter lifespans this way you can get two groups side by side in the same space. 

6. Keep erosion and add moisture to your garden soil: 

Planting different combinations of plants in your garden keeps your soil moist and erosion free. Plant roots are helpful in holding soil in place. Plants like deep-rooted radishes, tomatoes, and melons are recommended. These plants break heavily compact soil, grow deep down the soil, and bring water and nutrients from there. Your soil becomes ready for future plantings that you might want to grow there. Nitrogen-fixing plants can help bring nitrogen, the most important element for plants, into the garden soil. 

Companion Planting Combinations for your home garden: 

1. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes grow best with basil marigolds, asparagus, onion family, celery, carrots, parsley, spinach, and lettuce.

2. Basil:

These are best grown with pepper, tomatoes, spinach, and onion. 

3. Green Beans:

Plant green beans with marigold, rosemary, broccoli, potatoes, peas, radish, nasturtium, and cucumber.

4. Petunias:

Petunias work best with tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and basil. 

5. Zinnias:

Grow Zinnias with cabbage, china aster, basil, marigold, cucumber, cleome, and purple fountain grass

6. Marjoram:

Cabbage, tomatoes, zinnias, radish, peas, corn, eggplant, celery, and onions are the best companion plants of marjoram. 

7. Marigolds:

Best companion plantings for marigolds are roses, salvia, allium, coreopsis, geranium, bachelor buttons, and lavender

8. Pepper:

Plant your pepper plantings with onion, spinach, basil, carrot family, fennel, and tomatoes

9. Roses:

Lavender, Nepeta, Dianthus, and Lady’s mantle are considered as best companion plants for roses 

10. Alliums:

Alliums grow best with coneflower, phlox, yarrow, lady’s mantle, iris, and peonies.

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