10 Types of Rubber Plants for Your Home

Rubber plants are one of the most popular and versatile houseplants you can grow in your home gardens. Belonging to the ficus genus which has over 800 species of trees, shrubs, and vines, rubber plants have attractive and eye-catching appearances. They have thick, glossy leaves that come in different colors and patterns.

Rubber plants are also easy to care for. They can thrive in a wide range of light and humidity. These plants have air purifying ability which makes them excellent choices for indoor plant lovers. They purify the air by removing toxins and producing oxygen. We will share 10 types of rubber plants to add to your house plants collection. You choose your favorite plant according to your preference and space.

1. Robusta (Ficus elastica ‘Robusta’)

Probably the most common type of rubber plant you’ll find in a nursery, Robusta has deep green and waxy leaves. It can grow up to 12 inches long and 5 inches wide. Your Robusta can reach up to 8 feet tall indoors. That means you will need to prune it if you want to keep it compact and bushy. It thrives in bright, indirect light and moderate watering. This indoor plant enjoys moist and well-drained soil and can tolerate drought to some extent. Fertilize it once a month during the growing season with balanced liquid fertilizer. This resilient and low-maintenance plant is a great choice for you if you are a beginner.
Robusta is not only beautiful but also beneficial for your health. It removes formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air, according to NASA. Thanks to its soothing green color, it also helps improve your mood and reduce stress.

2. Ficus Elastica Yellow Gem

Yellow Gem is a type of rubber plant that comes in so many varieties. It has bright, yellow-green leaves that contrast with the dark green stems. It can grow up to 6 feet tall indoors. Place this rubber plant in bright, indirect light. It needs moderate watering and leaves it to dry between applications. Fertilize it every two weeks. This plant is sure to make a cheerful and lively choice for your home.

3. Tricolor Rubber Tree

It is a beautiful type of rubber plant that has leaves with a mix of cream, red, pink, and green. Young leaves are red until they mature. Tricolor plants can grow up to 6 feet tall indoors. It prefers bright, indirect light and needs regular watering. Prefers watering from below, do not water it too much or too little. You can fertilize it once a month during the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Bring this eye-catching plant to brighten up your room with its vibrant foliage.

4. Ficus Elastica Tineke

Tineke is a rare type of rubber plant with variegated leaves in shades of green, cream, and pale yellow. It can grow up to 30 feet tall outdoors and up to 10-13 feet tall indoors. It likes bright, indirect light but not direct sun, which can fade its colors. It likes moist, well-drained soil and moderate watering. You can add fertilizer to it every two weeks. This elegant plant will add a touch of class to your home with its exotic colors.

5. Ficus Elastica Abidjan

Abidjan is a fast-growing plant that has glossy leathery dark green leaves with a reddish tint. It can grow up to 6 feet tall indoors. It needs bright, indirect light. Keep it out of reach of children and pets because this rubber plant contains toxins such as latex in sap. It requires moderate watering every 1-2 weeks and fertilizing it once every month. You can prune it to give it a bushy appearance. This rubber plant is a bold and attractive choice for you.

6. Ficus elastica Decora

This rubber plant has very dark, thick leaves that can grow up to 10 feet tall depending on the conditions available. Decora rubber plant requires 6-8 hours of bright, indirect light daily. It likes to be watered thoroughly. However, make sure to water it only when the top inch of the soil is dry. You can apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the active growth period. This plant is easy to care for and has a glossy, rich appearance perfect to be a valuable addition to your home plants collection.

7. Ficus Elastica Doescheri

Doescheri has splotchy leaves with hints of gray, cream, and green color. The stalks and midribs are pink, which gives it a unique look. This evergreen plant can grow up to 10 feet tall indoors, but you can trim it to keep it in shape. It thrives in bright, indirect light and moderate watering. This rubber plant is a stunning addition to any home.

8. Ficus Elastica Burgundy

This dramatic rubber plant has glossy dark red or purple leaves that can grow up to 12 inches long. It grows up to 40 feet tall in its native habitat. However, it can reach up to 6-8 feet tall indoors if you keep pruning it regularly. Keep burgundy plants in bright, indirect light. You can keep it in direct sunlight but avoid harsh, scorching sunlight that can spoil its leaf color. It needs moist, well-drained soil and moderate watering. You can fertilize it every two weeks. This plant is a striking choice for your home with its robust look.

9. Ficus Elastica Ruby

Rubber plant ‘Ruby’ has variegated leaves in shades of sage green, white, and ruby red colors. The new leaves are bright red until they mature. It can grow up to 6-8 feet tall indoors. Ruby prefers bright, indirect light and regular watering, but not too much or too little. This plant is a beautiful and colorful option for your home.

10. Ficus Elastica Congesta

This type of rubber plant has small, compact leaves that grow in clusters. It can grow up to 1 feet tall indoors. Provide congesta with bright, indirect light. It thrives in moist, well-drained soil and moderate watering. Fertilize it every two weeks during the growing season. Keep them at an optimum temperature of 15-25°C. Take this quirky rubber plant to make an exotic addition to your house plants.

Rubber plants are amazing houseplants that can beautify your space, purify your air, and boost your mood. As they say, there is a rubber plant for everyone! There are many types of rubber plants to choose from. They come in different varieties, sizes, and colors. You can choose among these according to your preferences. In this article, we have shared the 10 most popular rubber plants for you. Which one is your favorite? Don’t forget to share your valuable thoughts with us in the comment section. Happy planting!

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