How to Create a Butterfly Garden: Attracting and Supporting Pollinators

If you want to bring life to your lifeless garden then introducing pollinators might be a good idea for you.  The majority of crops we eat rely on frequent visitors for pollination or reproduction. However unfortunately the population has been declining due to human activities over the past few years.  A major reason for the alarming decline in their population is habitat loss.

Being a gardener you can play your role in attracting and supporting pollinators like butterflies, bats, bees, and other birds and insects. How? By making your garden a pollinator-friendly pit stop. This way you can provide a habitat for local as well as migrating pollinators and take part in the process of a sustainable environment.  

Simple and Powerful Steps to Create a Butterfly Garden

Who would not like a yard full of life, buzz, and a colorful atmosphere? All this is possible with the help of amazing pollinators. Here are a few simple fixes for turning your space into a beautiful butterfly garden. 

  • No harmful chemicals

It’s surprising how organic lovers knowingly or unknowingly use harmful chemicals in their home gardens. The use of chemicals in the form of pesticides, insecticides,  or herbicides does not only harm the targeted pests, insects, or weeds but is also toxic to pollinators that visit your garden. Other than being dangerous for pollinators, these chemicals also seep into crop plants that you intend to use as food. 

  • Give preference to Native Plants

 Going native is an effective way to attract nearby pollinators. Native plants are adapted to the local environment and hence are more capable to support the life of local pollinators. Moreover, native plants are easy to grow and require little maintenance. This way you will effortlessly attract pollinators to your place. 

  • Fountains and pools

Birds love spots with ample amounts of water and required food. This will significantly attract pollinators. Running water will allow various native and migrating birds to stop in your yard for rest.  Add shallow pools or fountains that contain clean water. However, beware of the stagnant water that may give birth to insect larvae and diseases. 

  • Use a mix of species 

Bring variety to your garden. You can do this in many ways for example by adding different species of plants. Bring different-sized plants and use unique containers for potting. Choose plants with vibrant colors that will please butterflies and other pollinators. Another way to add charm to your garden is by growing plants with different fragrances. Opt for patterns like grouping similar plants to help pollinators find you easily. 

  • Plants that serves as host: 

Some plants serve as hosts for pollinators. Bringing in these you can attract desired insects that fight unwanted pests or feed on unwanted weed plants. and invite caterpillar larvae that turn into beautiful butterflies later on. 

Best plants to attract and support pollinators: 

If you want to learn how to make a butterfly garden and attract pollinators, then you must know something about plants. Choosing the right plants is an important step towards your goal of happy pollinators. Give butterflies plants with a lot of color, nectar, and fragrance and they are sure to stop by on your invitation. 

Here are some exciting plants that you must have in your home garden if you want to hear chirps and watch your space full of vibrant birds every day. 

  • Butterfly Bush: 

Butterfly Bush it’s going to be your favorite plant because, as the name indicates, all kinds of butterflies visit this plant.  Apart from butterflies, hummingbirds are also With this plant so they’re also sure to visit your garden once you grow Butterfly Bush in it.  Butterfly Bush requires full sun to thrive up to six feet in size.

  • Black-eyed Susan: 

A great way to bring a yellow pool to your garden is to have black-eyed Susan in your backyard. These are low-maintenance drought-resistant plants. It also means that they are perfect for newbies who have no prior experience in taking care of plants. Their beautiful bloom brings tons of pollinators in their vicinity. You can choose your favorite variety to add to your garden. 

  • Yarrow:

Love of garden gurus, Yarrow is a beautiful wild plant with small red flowers to amuse your nearby pollinators and the dragged them.  This plant gives a full ground cover as well. Give this plant full sun and well-drained soil to thrive. 

  • Lavender: 

This Mediterranean plant from the mint family has a soothing fragrance. You can grow this beautiful plant in full sun where it can get direct sunlight for more than 6 hours. It will thrive in full sun but doesn’t really enjoy the shade. Pollinators will love your space. 

  • Scarlet beebalm: 

Scarlet Beebalm is another member of the mint family with its unique aroma that is sure to please your favorite butterflies and other pollinators. It has beautiful Scarlet flowers that will give your garden an enchanting look. This popular perennial is also known as Oswego tea, Bergamot, and crimson beebalm. It is an easy-to-grow plant that won’t trouble you at all. You can plant it in both sunny or partially shady places.

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